Wabasha Area Driftskippers
Club Details
Wabasha Area Driftskippers
Contact: Jean Feils
The Wabasha Driftskippers Snowmobile Club is located in the scenic valley along the Mississippi River. With breathtaking views of the MN and WI bluff sides and majestic river valley snowmobilers are bound to see nature at its finest. The Driftskippers maintain 89 miles of trails with their Tucker Sno-Cat. The all volunteer club's trails span from south of Lake City to Wabasha, Kellogg, Weaver, Theilman and the outskirts of Plainview. The club meets the second Thursday of each month at a local establishment in the area.
Club Events
No Events available at this time
Club Officers
No Officers available at this time
Melrude Whistle Stop