ULTRA Snowmobile Association
Club Details
ULTRA Snowmobile Association
Contact: Linda Long
250 State St. W. # 94
Detroit Lakes, MN 56502
Phone: 2188496075
ULTRA Snowmobile Club is located in Becker County. The club meets the third Thursday of each month September through April, 7:00 p.m. at various sponsor locations in Detroit Lakes. We maintain a vast network of trails through varying terrain. Part of our dues goes to enrollment in MnUSA so all club members become MnUSA members.
Club Events
Date: 02/15/2025 02/15/2025
Event: 22th Annual Detroit Lakes Vintage Rally & Swap Meet
Description: Vintage show, swap meet, trophies, raffle and rides. Come join us for the 22st Annual Vintage Rally on Detroit Lakes city beach. This year's grand prize sled is a Restored 1976 Ski-doo RV340. Show registration 8-11a.m. Trophies awarded at noon. Ride: 12-5pm. Best dressed Vintage apparel trophy. Additional activities in the area include Polar Fest.
Date: 01/04/2025 01/04/2025
Event: Classic Cruise Ride North
Description: Meet at MState to join in a ride on the North trails. Lunch at a local establishment, then return to Detroit Lakes. Vintage and classic sleds, 1980 and older encouraged, but ride is open to everyone, regardless of sled age.
Date: 01/25/2025 01/25/2025
Event: Classic Cruise Ride South - Copy
Description: Meet at Becker County Fairgrounds to join in a ride on the Vergas Trails. Have lunch in Vergas then return to Detroit Lakes. Vintage and classic sleds, 1980 and older encouraged, but ride is open to everyone, regardless of sled age.
Date: 12/07/2024 12/07/2024
Event: Youth Snowmobile Safety Training - Detroit Lakes 12/7/24
Description: One day classroom and driving test for snowmobile training. Must have online training certificate completed by classroom date. Sign up through Detroit Lakes community Education, Online training through MN DNR
Club Officers
Wayne Schlauderaff
Vice President - Trail Administrator
19688 US Highway 59
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Scott & Lisa Pichette